
The Philippines

Ecological Assets
Coral Spawning
Free diving
Manta Migration
Scuba diving
Turtle Nesting
Program impacts
Social Change

Join a Project

Explore all future regenerative economic development programs. Participate in a signature Eco Incubator, WWW. Accelerator or Wild Immersion and directly contribute to the success of remote, vital business.

Project history

Program Reports

All Bewilder initiatives are heavily documented and measured against clear impact metrics, defined with our partners.

Country partners
Wala Usik
Philippines Reef & Rainforest Conservation Foundation
Bambike Eco Tours
Latest news in

The Philippines

Surf the video and journal archives of Bewilder projects per country, or reserve a ticket for an upcoming online event.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Female leaders selected by The Nature Conservancy participated in a 5-day business program by Global Sisters, and facilitated by Charlotte Rose Mellis of BEWILDER.

A business incubator program, enabling the Philippine Reef & Rainforest Conservation Foundation team at Danjugan Island to design the zero-waste store, "Wala Usik" franchise model.

A rarely traversed passage across the Philippines sea, from Manila to Danjugan Sanctuary. We encountered spectacular wildlife while investing in ecosystem protection and remote eco enterprise.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Since 2017, BEWILDER have delivered remote business training with Labarganyan, Wagiman, Malak Malak and Kamu people - the Traditional landowners of Fish River, Northern Territory.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

A short film by VOX POPULI x BEWILDER program scholar, Zo Olangi. Celebrating an alliance between three Solomon Island tribes, uniting to formalise the Arnavon Marine Sanctuary.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Far across the Palawan blues is Tao Village. A spectacular demonstration of regenerative living, supported by ecotourism. Together we explored eco design for periods in nature.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

VOPO Expedition united partners Bewilder, Danjugan Sanctuary, PRRCF & SWEEP to address the challenge of Rogue Plastic in The Philippines through business.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Spending sacred moments with Yaegl Elders, Aunty Carmel and Uncle Ron as we camped out in the Illaroo National Park was a learning experience about medicine, ecology and art.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Rogue Plastic Expedition 2017 united partners BEWILDER Danjugan Sanctuary, Philippines Reef & Rainforest Restoration Foundation & SWEEP to address the challenge in southeast Asia.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

We became friends with the Coral Gardeners in 2017, pioneers of reef restoration in French Polynesia. Bewilder curated an immersive experience to provide seed funds to the pilot.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Together with Danjugan Sanctuary, Philippines Reef & Rainforest Restoration Foundation & SWEEP we explore the systems behind #RoguePlastic in Central Visayas.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Divinai local and VilLink Tour Operator, Maleta Tokwakwasi has partnered with ICT Oceania. Promoting travel experiences online, from the highlands to the islands of Milne Bay.


Explore by Country

Bewilder projects begin with sincere relationships and a shared vision. Our role is to refine a strategy for success in partnership with custodians of Earth's wildest places.

We cultivate success.

In close consultation with government, industry and local community groups, our objectives are clear.

Economic Growth
Gender Equality
Sustainable Design
Ecological Assurance
Increased Wellbeing
+ More
Let's collaborate